DEAR SUN SPOTS: The Anglican Church of the Transfiguration in Mechanic Falls is planning a Plant Sale on Saturday, May 20, from 9 a.m. to noon at the Maisy Keene Park in the center of town.

We are setting up the plants from our gardens and need pots. If any Sun Spots readers have plant pots to spare, please drop them off at the side door of the church at 64 Elm St.

Please contact me at 689-7025, or email

Thank you for helping support our plant sale. — Nancy, Mechanic Falls

ANSWER: I hope readers who have a stash of plant pots stowed away will drop them off for this fundraiser. You may have some other vessels that would hold a plant as well. Use your imagination and think outside the box!

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I’m a senior looking for a good, used tabletop sewing machine that someone no longer needs and is willing to part with. I don’t need anything complicated or that does multiple functions, since I only need it for sewing a hem or simple mending. Please contact me at — No name, Poland


ANSWER: Let us know if another reader helps you with this request. Meanwhile, watch for yard sales and flea markets.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I’m a former member of the Red Hat Society and have a box full of red hat collectibles — knickknacks, etc. to give to a Red Hat Society. If you’re interested, please call me at 562-8517 to arrange pickup. I read your column daily. — Jeannette, Dixfield

ANSWER: Are any Sun Spotters also Red Hatters? Let Jeannette know if you would like to check this out!

DEAR SUN SPOTS: On Thursday, April 20, I did some shopping at the Auburn Walmart and shortly after arriving home I realized I didn’t have my cellphone. After a few calls I did have success locating my phone at Walmart. I’m so thankful someone took it to the service desk and want to thank that person. — No name, no town

DEAR SUN SPOTS: In reply to the person asking what the spots on their outside white vinyl trim is (May 3 Sun Spots), these could be hummingbird excrement.

I had a hummingbird feeder on our porch and after the first year I found little dark dots all over the railings. These spots were difficult to remove but I found if I used hot water and a bristle brush that worked. — Sue, no town


ANSWER: There are many reasons that black spots could be appearing on the exterior of your home, outdoor furniture, and even your vehicle. If there are a minimum number of spots, it could be from hummingbirds, spiders, or other insects. However, if there are numerous, tar-like spots, it could very well be from the artillery spores that I described, especially if you are using wood chip mulch.

A telltale sign would be if you remove the spots and they come right back.

While we’re on the subject, when cleaning the exterior of your home, gardening, and handling bird feeders, wear gloves then wash your hands thoroughly and change your clothes when you’re done with the task. Birds and other wildlife carry diseases and parasites that you may accidentally come in contact with.

This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name. We won’t use it if you ask us not to. Please include your phone number. Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can also be emailed to

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