The kitchen of the popular Governor’s restaurant is calm Tuesday morning before the hectic lunch rush. Andree Kehn/Sun Journal
Fans of Governor’s Restaurant and Bakery won’t see any visible changes when Jason Clay takes over as the new owner of the group of Maine restaurants May 22.
Randy Wadleigh announced the transition last week as he gets ready to retire. He reportedly considered selling to a merger-and-acquisition company, but ultimately decided Clay, an employee for the past 17 years, would be the best choice for the company’s future.
“We have a very strong time-tested brand, and I’ve been operating the businesses for several years already,” Clay told the Buzz on Monday. “While change is inevitable, there is nothing major on the horizon.”
Clay said he is purchasing the business but not the real estate at this time.
The Wadleigh family owns five of the locations: Old Town, Bangor and Lewiston, and Ellsworth and Waterville, which are leased.
Clay said there is a sixth in Presque Isle that will remain an independently owned franchise.
The Wadleigh family started the business as an ice cream stand in 1959 and called it Creemee’s, but decided a full-service restaurant open year-round would be a better choice. Founders Leith and Donna Wadleigh struggled to find a better name for the new venture.
According to the company website, Leith Wadleigh would greet customers with, “Hi ya, governor.” So they decided to name the restaurant in honor of everyone who came in. The phrase is also a Cockney term for “boss” or man in charge, and is a classic East End London expression.

Quilts are displayed at the Alomakuam Gallery at 40 West Minot Road in Minot. The gallery, which features a mix of artwork, hand crafted furniture and gifts, has opened for the season. Christopher Wheelock/Sun Journal
Alomakuam Gallery opens for season

Owner Terryl Esther Jensen in her gallery in Minot. Christopher Wheelock/Sun Journal
Alomakuam Gallery has opened for the season at 40 West Minot Road/state Route 124 in Minot.
The eclectic little gallery and gift shop is owned by Terryl Esther Jensen. A painter by trade, she also has items from other local artists and a few top quality pieces of furniture hand crafted by her late husband. The gallery in his former workshop.
This is the third year of the fledgling business for Jensen, who is trying to grow the business and figure out what items customers are most interested in. Items for sale include etched glass, jewelry, soaps, paintings, figurines, hand-painted screen panels, quilts, gnomes, clocks and more. Most are made by local artisans.
Jensen said Alomakuam is an Abenaki word meaning heart of the tree, a fitting tribute to her late husband’s chosen craft of woodworking.
She offers consignment options for anyone interested in displaying and selling crafts, artwork, furniture or other items.
For information go to Alomakuam Gallery’s Facebook page, or call 207-345-3113. For now, hours are Fridays and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The Buzz offers quick hits about trending area business happenings. Have a Buzzable tip? Contact business writer Christopher Wheelock at 689-2817 or cwheelock@sunjournal.com
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