POLAND — Regional School Unit 16 directors will vote Monday on a proposed $27.58 million budget for 2023-24.

It’s a $1.7 million increase, or 6.56% more than the $25.89 million budget for this fiscal year, which ends June 30.

The board will meet at 6:30 p.m. in the Poland Regional High School Library.

In breaking precedent, Superintendent Ken Healey and board Chairwoman Mary Martin said the public will be allowed to voice their opinions on the proposed budget after it is presented to the board but before a vote is taken.

The Budget Committee, comprised of board members, school administrators, selectpersons from Minot and Poland, and a Mechanic Falls resident voted 10-2 on March 22 to approve the budget.

Healey, Martin, Assistant Superintendent Amy Hediger, Business Manager Stacie Field, directors Andrea Winn, Ed Rabasco, Elizabeth Martin, Melanie Harvey, Mike Downing and Tony Trussoni of Mechanic Falls voted in favor, while Lisa Cesare of Minot and Mary-Beth Taylor of Poland voted against.


According to the school administration figures, the property tax impact on a $100,000 home in Poland would increase by $60 and by almost $94 in Minot. No figures were available for Mechanic Falls since it is undergoing a property revaluation.

A major bone of contention for Cesare and Taylor was including the first-year payment of $185,000 of a proposed $5 million bond in the budget.

The bond is a separate article that will be voted on by the three towns May 2. The bond would pay for updating the heating and ventilation systems in the three elementary schools in Poland, Minot and Mechanic Falls.

Cesare and Taylor said that while the bond’s principal amount is $5 million, the interest to be paid over 20 years will total at least $3 million. They felt the $185,000 first-year payment should be a separate article and not included in the school budget.

Healey said if the bond doesn’t pass May 2 the funds will be removed from the final budget. He noted that the district budget meeting is held May 23 so the May 2 vote will be known by then and and the interest payment can be removed then if the bond fails.

The school budget articles are taken up at the district meeting one by one. Once an article passes it then becomes part of the official ballot for the June 13 vote.

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