Why do we need a new abortion law?

According to the Office of the Maine Attorney General, “Maine law protects your right to an abortion.” It further states, “Maine law allows for abortions up to the point of viability (usually about 24-28 weeks, as determined on a case-by-case basis by your health care provider). Maine law also provides exceptions to the viability restriction to save the life or health of the pregnant person or in the case of a fatal fetal diagnosis.”

So let me ask, why do we need a new abortion law? Do we really need to take the word “viable” out of the current law?

I believe we all can agree that the current abortion law adequately protects women’s reproductive rights. We do not need to expand it as Gov. Janet Mills proposes.

We need to draw the line when the life of a fully viable baby is involved.

Svetlana Hall, Wales

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