
FARMINGTON — Community event happening this weekend in Farmington, launched for SWARM’s annual Speakeasy event on March 25 happening. “Back for the 9th-ish annual year is the Speakeasy! We are raising funds for food pantries and food initiatives throughout Franklin County, and we will celebrate with a big bash on Saturday, March 25 at the West Farmington Grange. If you can’t join us in person, we welcome your support through this Go Fund Me fundraiser so we can spread some funds to food pantries throughout Franklin County! To view the GoFundMe, please visit: https://gf.me/v/c/fcn6/speakeasy-2023-fundraiser


VIENNA — On Saturday, April 8, at 7 p.m., an evening of singer/songwriters at the Vienna Union Hall (5 Vienna Mtn Rd) will honor the joy, wit, and musical talent of “Jenny” Lois Hinckley, recently deceased. Elsie Gawler, Ruth Hill, Stan Keach, Steve Richardson, and Sagittarius Rising will each share their unique songwriting talents. Check out their individual websites and FB pages and follow Vienna Union Hall on Facebook. As seating is limited, advance tickets are recommended, available for $15 at https://www.vienaunionhall.org/arts-and-events


FARMINGTON Join Wears & Wares for Women, Whimsy, and Wine Wednesdays on April 5, May 3, June 7, from 5:30 – 7 p.m. The cost will be $25 per Wednesday (Pick one, two, or attend all three) and is limited to 12 participants Must be 21 to participate.


Enjoy focused time to relax, be creative and enjoy sampling a variety of wine selections with appetizers. All materials and instruction for projects will be provided for these creative sessions although participants are welcome to bring their own projects to share. This is a great way to learn new skills, complete projects, and meet new friends.

Wears & Wares is located at 413 Wilton Road in Farmington.

Earth Care

FARMINGTON – An Earth Care Forum featuring free eco-friendly workshops, informational talks, and lunch is being planned by members of Old South Congregational Church for Saturday, April 1. The conference will run from 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. at the church, 235 Main. Street, Farmington. Workshops will be offered in morning and afternoon sessions, and there will be a lunch hour during which soup, bread, and desserts will be provided and attendees can browse information tables and displays. Old South Church is fully accessible to those with mobility impairments. For more information and a full schedule call 207-778-0424, email earthcareforum@gmail.com, or visit the website of Old South Church of Farmington


JAY — The public is invited to the Grand Reopening of Jay Baptist Church on Smith Avenue in Jay on March 26. The church has been closed since December 31, during which time major repairs were made to the sanctuary wall and ceiling. The March 26 celebration will include a coffee fellowship time in the vestry from 9:45 to 10:25 a.m., followed by a very special Morning Worship service at 10:30 a.m. Pastor Gary Bestwick will speak on the topic, :Who is Jesus?”. All are welcome. For more information, call 207-500-3243.


LIVERMORE — North Livermore Baptist Church announcements listed in the bulletin are that the congregation will be collecting canned fruit for the food pantry in the month of March. Bible Study is at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, March 26 will be a “Fellowship” Brunch after church service. Will be collecting for the America for Christ offering. The AA meetings are held on Friday nights at the church. If school is canceled in the area, Pastor Bonnie will not be in the office and all events canceled. For information, check out our website at northlivermorebaptistchurch.org. You can email the church at nlbcmaine@gmail.com. Pastor Bonnie’s office hours are Monday and Tuesday from 9 a.m. to noon.


CHESTERVILLE — The North Chesterville Extension Homemakers will be meeting on Monday, March 27 at 1 p.m. in the Chesterville Town Office.  Alison Haines will be sharing the History of Doughnuts and will be making doughnuts.  We will also work on planning the Franklin County Extension Homemakers Spring Meeting and make suggestions for our annual June outing.  The public is cordially invited.  FMI 778-3156.


JAY — Frank L. Mitchell VFW Post 3335, 64 Jewell St. take-out supper menu scheduled for March 24, Tex-Mex. Dinner one burrito, one taco with the fixings, refried beans, corn bread, cookies for dessert.  $14. On March 31, the menu will feature Chinese Chop Suey over rice with brownies for dessert for $12. Serving starts at 5 p.m. Call Janice early at 897-2122 to reserve your meal.



WILTON — There will be an Easter bake sale  including pies, rolls, hot cross buns etc. at the Wilton United Methodist Church, Friday April 7 from 9 a.m. to 2p.m. Come early for the best selection. For more information, call 645-2190. Alvin McDonald. Email: aomcdonald29@gmail.com

INDUSTRY — The Industry Community Kitchen is once again hosting monthly luncheons /socials at the Industry Town Hall. Socialize with friends from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. with FREE lunch at noon. Luncheons are usually held the first Thursday of each month, next month the date will be April 6. All are welcome so hope to see you there. For more info contact Vicci @ 778-6722 or Amy @ 778-4158.


LIVERMORE FALLS — The AYS Gym is open for walking indoors from Nov. 1 to March 31 on Mon-Wed-Fri from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m., located at the former Livermore Falls High School. Donations are accepted and go to support AYS. Please bring walking shoes to change into. Any questions call Gus Grondin at 897-3305 or Richard Gibbs at 320-3588.


PHILLIPS — Ryan Stoval, author and Green Beret will have a book reading, signing, and question and answer session on April 1 at the Phillips Public Library from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Mr. Stoval’s book, Black Snowflakes Smothering a Torch: How to Talk to you Veteran – A Primer, will be the topic of discussion. Ryan is a former adventurer, world traveler and a Green Beret twice decorated for valor and awarded two Purple Hearts. He is the author of numerous anthologies and journals. “Black Snowflakes” is his first book.


CARRABASSETT VALLEY — Carrabassett Valley Public Library Winter Hours are Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Family Friendly Movies: This week: Friday at 1 & 3 p.m. and Saturday at 10 a.m. Call 237-3535 for titles! Friday Flicks (generally an adult program) will continue on Fridays at 2:00 until further notice, Saturday Family Friendly Matinees are scheduled for 3 p.m. on 3/25, and 4/8.


WILTON — Through a series of classes, Opening Minds through Art (OMA) engages students with dementia in creating free-wheeling art. Fridays, March 24 through April 28 at the Education Center of SeniorsPlus at 284 Main St., Wilton. Contact SeniorsPlus, at 207-795-4010, edcenter@seniorsplus.org.


FAYETTE — Friends of Starling Hall is having a spring online auction! Sit in the comfort of your home and bid on these great items. When the auction is over on April 1 just come to the hall and pick up your item or certificate or arrange plans for the item that you were the high bidder on, just in time for Easter. All proceeds will go to the continued restoration of the Hall and your support is greatly appreciated! Check it out at BiddingOwl – Friends of Starling Hall Auction and check back often as you may be out bid! https://www.biddingowl.com/Auction/home.cfm?auctionID=30937

Do you know any model train enthusiasts? On the bidding site we are limited to putting only 3 pictures and we have an entire antique HO model train set. You can view the set here: Vintage Tyco Train Collection at https://1drv.ms/u/s!Apn15F6eSBvAg9RW42-dU6arGDmgpQ?e=w7x7Yl


Please share this with your friends and don’t forget to check out our website and Facebook page.  Visit our website www.starlinghall.org and “Like” us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/fayettemaine


FARMINGTON — Volunteers will be the focus of this year’s annual meeting of Franklin County Extension Association (FCEA), on Wednesday, April 12, from 5–7 p.m., at St Joe’s Parish Hall,133 Middle Street Farmington.

Come learn about the diverse array of programs delivered by Cooperative Extension through the eyes and experiences of our essential volunteers- the role they have played, what they have learned, and how they have benefited from serving their community in this way. Bring your garden questions, learn how to join 4-H, find out how Cooperative Extension can help farmers, and learn about Maine Extension Homemakers. A brief business meeting followed by a dessert social.

For more information or to request a disability accommodation, contact 207.778.4650; tiffany.wing@maine.edu.

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