STRONG — The town of Strong will be holding its election on Friday, Mar. 17, and will hold its town meeting on Saturday, Mar. 18.

Both the election and the town meeting will take place at the Forster Memorial Building, located on 14 S Main St in Strong.

The election will be held between 1:00 p.m. and will go until 6:00 p.m.

The town meeting will begin at approximately 9:30 p.m. and will cover 41 Articles, including Article 19, which will see if the Select board will enter a yearly service agreement for fire protection with Franklin County and the Town of Avon.

Other Articles include Article 35, which will see how much money the town will raise and appropriate for the Strong Community Events Account (formerly known as the Parade Account) and Article 22, which will see if the town will vote to allow any leftover balances in the protection accounts be placed in a Fire Truck Reserve Account at the end of 2023.

More information on all 41 articles can be found at Strong website, at


For the elections, several positions are up for election, and they are as follows.

  • Two selectman positions, three-year terms
  • One MSAD 58 School Board Members, one-year terms
  • Two MSAD 58 School Board Members, three-year terms
  • Three Budget Committee Members, six-year terms

As of Thursday, Mar. 16, all positions remained uncontested. For the Selectmen positions, they are being sought after by David Catino and Joel Doyon.

The two three-year MSAD 58 board member position are being run uncontested by Rebecca Croteau and Jessie Stinchfield, while the one-year MSAD 58 board member position is being sought after by Susan Pratt.

For the three six-year Budget Committee Positions, Rodney Cook, Lawrence Curtis and Alan Smith are seeking those positions.

For any additional information for the election, please visit Strong town website, or contact the town clerk at (207) 684-4002 or by email at

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