JAY — The Select Board accepted an offer from Pixelle Specialty Solutions for a $5,000 cash match for economic development efforts. The offer, contained in a written letter of support, was made in light of this month’s closing of the Androscoggin Mill.

Acceptance was with the understanding that the town would match the $5,000 to go toward economic development.

The mill, the town’s largest private employer with about 230 workers, ceased operations March 6.

The board, which met Monday, approved the letter as part of a series of topics heard at a public hearing in advance of the town’s Annual Meeting.

That meeting is set for Tuesday, April 25. Polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Jay Community Building.

Running for the Select Board are Timothy DeMillo and Gary McGrane.


There are several vacancies on the Regional School Unit 73 board of directors: two for three years and one for two years.

Candidates running for the three-year positions are Elaine Fitzgerald, Sherry Ouellette and Robert Staples. Christina Riley is running unopposed for the two-year term.

Randall Doiron is on the ballot for trustee of the Jay Village Water District; there is no one running for trustee for the North Jay Water District, which means that position could be filled by write-in votes.

Absentee ballots will be available at the Town Office on March 24.

In addition to accepting the financial support from Pixelle, the Select Board approved all warrant articles to raise and appropriate funds for town departments and services.

The budget to go before voters totals $5.8 million, or $363,938 more than this fiscal year that ends June 30.


In January, the board voted to take $13,000 for summer recreation and $18,802 for donations out of the Tower/Recreation Reserve Account, rather than raise those amounts through taxation. It drops the reserve account balance to about $140,979.

The town does deposit funds into that account each year and there is a plan to harvest timber on the town recreation land behind the high school, with those proceeds going into the reserve fund.

Some of the more significant budget increases are in costs for the sewer department, public works, hydrants and streetlights, and general town government.

The board also approved and will sign a letter of support presented on behalf of David Frey, chairman of the Area Youth Sports board of directors.

Area Youth Sports has applied for federal funding to upgrade its building and to create a community center for all residents of Jay, Livermore and Livermore Falls.

In other business, the board approved an open letter from the town to be presented to the Maine State Legislature concerning disposal options for sludge from wastewater treatment facilities.


The town stores sludge for transport to New Brunswick, but this option may soon be unavailable.

The letter states, “We implore the State of Maine Legislature to take the necessary steps NOW to create additional avenues for Maine to responsibly manage its biosolids.”

The letter also encourages residents to submit questions, or get clarification about the town’s position by contacting Sewer Superintendent Mark Holt at 207-576-1414, or jsewer@jay-maine.org.

The next Select Board meeting is at 6 p.m. Monday, March 27, at the Town Office.

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