NORWAY — With new vehicles becoming more expensive and more difficult to locate at dealerships, the Select Board on Thursday unanimously approved highway foreman Steve Powers’ plan to purchase a leftover 2022 Ford F-350 truck from Ripley & Fletcher Ford in Paris.

The price is $52,700 on a six-year lease, which would come from the New Equipment account. A 2023 model with the same specs would have cost more than $57,000, Powers said.

Powers has spent the past few weeks looking area dealerships and when he thought he had located a leftover 2022 model or a used truck, the vehicles were snatched up before he could consult with town officials.

In other business, the board agreed to establish the Norway Climate Action Advisory Committee as a regular standing committee. Selectman Sarah Carter, a member of the committee, said the group would meet about once a month to review climate policies and ongoing sustainability issues facing residents. The town has received one grant for $50,000 and is looking to apply for a second grant.

Among the projects the committee is working on is adding solar panels to the Town Office.

The board also approved an $80 donation from Chad Phillips to help pay for the electric vehicle charging station.

Wolf and Harp at 76 Pleasant St. received approval for its liquor license and special amusement permit. The business hopes to host weddings, seasonal dinners, fundraisers and community gatherings.

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