DEAR SUN SPOTS: The Woman’s Literary Union Prom Gown Giveaway is almost here. Are you looking for a free dress for prom? You can get one at the WLU Prom Gown Giveaway on Saturday, April 8, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Foss Mansion at 19 Elm St. in Auburn. To schedule your fitting time, go to: thank everyone who has donated gowns. We have so many that we need more sturdy dress racks. If you have one you can allow us to borrow or that you can donate, please call me at 207-402-7591.—Kathy, Auburn

ANSWER: This is one of my favorite nonprofit events and when the yearly announcement comes in, it makes me happy and proud to do my small part to spread the word. A big thank you to all those who make it such a big success year after year.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Does anyone have a 1964 Lewiston High School yearbook they would be willing to part with? I am trying to find one for my cousin. He graduated in 1966 and still has his 1966 and 1965 yearbooks. The missing 1964 one was tossed out by someone who was cleaning his apartment and did not ask him about it. He very much wants to replace it.

Please call me at 207-782-3852 and leave a message. We are very willing to pay a reasonable price. Thank you, Sun Spots, for all the people you help in such a variety of ways.—Donna, Lewiston

ANSWER: We have had very good luck matching up folks with other readers who are willing to give a yearbook. But if you do not get calls, try contacting the high school or you can look at digitized yearbooks at Let us know what happens.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: The Auburn-Lewiston Rotary Breakfast Club and the American Red Cross are hosting an upcoming blood drive at the Common Hall, United Methodist Church of Auburn at 439 Park Ave. from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday.


To register a time to donate blood, please sign up at and click on “Donate Blood.” Please join our lifesaving mission and schedule an appointment today.—Terri,  no town

ANSWER: It is very important to donate blood, if you are able.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: What is the purpose of the construction going on next to BJ’s in Auburn?—No name, no town

ANSWER: This question was asked at the beginning of the year but perhaps you missed it. It is a two-building apartment complex and a $5.2 million solar project. Here is the link to the story on the project approval:

There are to be 128 one- and two-bedroom apartments, plus a community center and gym. I am sure there will be more news about it as it gets closer to completion.

Whenever you have a question about construction, roadways, facilities or other features in your municipality, I urge you to contact your town office or city hall. The people employed there are prepared to help you. Never hesitate  to get the information you need straight from those in the know.

This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name. We will not use it if you ask us not to. Please include your phone number. Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can also be emailed to

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