“Unflappable.” “Embodiment of excellence.” “Compassionate.” “Always makes us feel special.” These are just a few of the ways people have described the hard working and diligent nurses in our communities.

Recognize a Maine-based nurse or nursing team that has impacted you or the life of a loved one and write a public thank-you note in your local newspaper. Submit by Friday, April 28.

We will publish selections of these letters in paper on Saturday, May 6, the first day of National Nurses Week.

Email marketing@mainetoday.com with any questions.

All submissions will be edited and formatted for publication. Select submissions will be published in print editions of your local paper. Qualifying submissions will be published on the website of your local newspaper. By submitting a letter, you agree to receive email communications from Masthead Maine publications. You can unsubscribe anytime. 

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