On Target Utility Services workers work on the power lines Wednesday, Feb. 1, on Route 156 between Wilton and Weld. CMP poles and lines are being upgraded in a two-year project that began in May 2022. Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser

WILTON — Electric poles and wires are being replaced between Wilton and Weld on Route 156 during a two-year CMP project.

“They are almost at the end of the first year,” Pam Prodan, who lives on the road told the Franklin Journal Feb. 1. Survey crews started last May, replacing poles from Wilton to the golf course were part of the first phase which started in November, she noted.

Crew from On Target Utility Services Wednesday, Feb. 1, work both sides of Route 156 near the home of Conrad Heeschen and Pam Prodan. CMP is in the middle of a two-year project to upgrade poles and lines between Wilton and Weld. Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser

“It was -10 degrees when they showed up to work this morning, I was kind of surprised,” Prodan said. “There were six buckets all working at once. It’s pretty impressive.”

It will make things better for Weld, Prodan added.

“We are replacing the existing conductors,” Charlie Warren, an On Target Utilities Services contractor said later that morning. The company, which was contracted by CMP will complete six miles of lines, Cianbro Corporation had done some work previously, he noted.

On Wednesday morning, Feb. 1, three On Target Utilities Services buckets are raised during work on Route 156 between Wilton and Weld. In a two-year project, CMP contracted with the company to upgrade poles and lines along a six-mile stretch of the road. Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser

The poles are being upgraded, all the old wire swapped out, On Target’s Brian Parlin stated. “Things will run more efficiently,” he said. “Cianbro did the other end, we did this side.”

Old wires were moved to the new poles, had to be spliced in some instances after they broke during the transfer, Prodan’s partner Conrad Heeschen said. Trucks were working at every pole for some distance, he noted.

“This has been quite a project,” Heeschen added.


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