BUCKFIELD — The Select Board formed an ad hoc committee Tuesday to review the town’s cemetery policy.

The board agreed to the review last month after an owner of a half lot in Damon Cemetery asked if he could sell two of the five plots back to the town.

The present policy, approved by the Select Board in 2014, does not address the sale or transfer of cemetery lots.

Resident Vivian Wadas volunteered to research the issue and has started to review the policy, including searching town records going back several decades when there was a cemetery association.

The board appointed Wadas and Lillian Clough to the committee, which is expected to submit its report by March 21.

In other business, Town Manager Cameron Hinkley reported that a baseboard heater pipe burst in the Town Office during last weekend’s cold snap. Damage was confined to the lobby, stairs and basement area. Neither town records and equipment nor the side of the building that contains the historical society was damaged.

Carpets will need to be replaced and parts of the old wooden floor buckled, Hinkley said. A crew from Servpro was in the building this week to help clean up the damage.

Town officials opened bids from five companies for repairs on East Buckfield Road and Bear Pond Road. They ranged from about $1.4 million to $1.8 million. Hinkley plans to review them with Road Commissioner Weldon Lucas before making a final decision.

Glen Holmes was reappointed to the Lewiston-Auburn Water Protection Commission.

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