David Nelson snowblows his driveway Thursday in front of his collection of snow-covered lawn sculptures in Oxford. It was the heaviest snowfall of the winter, ending in the morning with a mix of sleet and rain. Andree Kehn/Sun Journal

Isaiah Moczara, 15, clears snow Thursday from a storm drain in downtown Lewiston. Wet and heavy snow from Wednesday night’s storm blocked many storm drains throughout Lewiston and Auburn. Moczara, a freshman at Lewiston High School, had a snow day from school due to the storm. Daryn Slover/Sun Journal

Jake Paris and his two sons, Caleb, center, and Judah, finish shoveling their driveway Thursday in Lewiston. Caleb, 15, and Judah, 12, are home-schooled and did not get to benefit from a snow day. “No snow day for them,” said Jake Paris. “It’s work, work, work.” Daryn Slover/Sun Journal

Konner Pepin, right, and Osiris McCoy navigate the snow-filled sidewalks Thursday in downtown Lewiston. Significant snowfall over the past week has kept Lewiston Public Works employees busy trying to keep walkways clear. Pepin, 8, and McCoy, 5, had a snow day from school. Daryn Slover/Sun Journal

Didier Mulumba clears the walkway of snow Thursday at his barber shop, Major Cuts, in downtown Lewiston. Daryn Slover/Sun Journal

A crow sits in a tree covered with ice Thursday in Lewiston. Wednesday night’s storm started out with snow before turning over to ice and rain. Daryn Slover/Sun Journal

Motorists were faced with many areas of standing water Thursday morning in Lewiston following Wednesday night’s storm. Daryn Slover/Sun Journal

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