A 3-T Auction is scheduled for 5 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 28, at Oxford Advent Christian Church, 1130 Main St. in Oxford.

The snow date will be 1 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 29. Proceeds will benefit an upcoming Mission Trip to San Felipe, Mexico.

A free meal of beans, hot dogs, coleslaw and dinner rolls will be provided at 5 p.m. The auction will begin at 6 p.m. The items to be auctioned off will consist of “Talents,” “Treats” and “Treasures.”

Additional donations to be auctioned off can be brought in the night of the auction, according to a news release from Anna-Jean Alexander with the church.

The church will send a team of local people from various churches to San Felipe to the 99 plus 1 Ministry compound March 21-29. The team will provide assistance to people in need in the area, working in people’s homes to provide electrical, plumbing and carpentry repairs, vision testing, and support to the rehabilitation centers, orphanage, senior centers and school.

The church is accessible. Those who plan to attend feel free to bring a donation to contribute to the auction, as well as bring a donation of new men’s and women’s underwear and socks to be distributed to the various centers in San Felipe.

For more information about the auction, list of auction items, email Alexander at aaturnleft3@gmail.com.


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