FARMINGTON— United Way of the Tri-Valley Area is accepting applications for funding starting January 9. Applications must be submitted via the link below by February 13, and must align with one or more of United Way’s strategic goals, which include:

1) Housing – to improve access to safe, secure, and affordable housing

  1. Funding for updates that allow people to remain in their homes
  2. Support programs that work with people experiencing housing insecurity

2) Transportation and mobility

  1. Invest in and promote programs such as rideshare services and public transportation services
  2. Fund programs that provide necessary repairs to ensure vehicles can operate safely
  3. Fund delivery services to homebound individuals, etc.

3) Self-sufficiency / Independence – improve self-sufficiency and independence through literacy and employment

  1. Invest in and promote literacy through reading/writing abilities
  2. Support programs teaching financial understanding or digital skills
  3. Increase awareness of employment opportunities

4) Health and Wellness – improve the health and wellness of our community through healthy food and access to healthy foods and health care

  1. Invest in and promote programs that reduce food insecurity and expand access to nutritious food sources
  2. Sponsor programs that support harm reduction and mental health
  3. Support initiatives that broaden access to medical care
  4. Help strengthen existing and new avenues for physical activities and exercise

Agencies or organizations that have not applied before for United Way funding should be sure to review the eligibility tab at the link below. An account will need to be created to access that. Once eligibility forms are complete, the application for funding can then be completed.

Please submit applications at Questions may be sent via email to Kendra at

United Way is looking forward to reviewing all applications and investing once again in our Franklin County, Livermore and Livermore Falls communities. For additional information about United Way of the Tri-Valley Area, visit or call 778-5048. Be sure to follow United Way on Facebook ( and Instagram, to be kept up to speed on programs and initiatives that are up coming.

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