KINGFIELD — Residents will consider changing its form of government to a select board/town meeting/town manager at a special town meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday at Webster Hall.

The town now has a select board/town meeting/administrative assistant form of governing, board Chairwoman Morgan Dunham said.

The initiative came from the board but not all initially supported it.

“I can’t speak for the whole board — but my biggest reason is efficiency,” Dunham said, who is favor of the change. “If we switch to town manager, they will be able to make more decisions faster without coming to the board every couple of weeks. They will also have hiring/firing power and be able to really manage the staff better.”

Leanna Ross Targett is the administrative assistant.

The town manager plan of government is outlined in Title 30-A, Chapter 123, Subchapter 2.


State law requires a town manager plan to be adopted by voters at least 90 days before the annual meeting. The annual town meeting is June 3.

The town clerk will open Tuesday’s meeting at 6 p.m., and a moderator will be elected.

Once the question is opened for discussion, registered voters may ask questions relevant to the article. Questions must be directed to the moderator only after the moderator recognizes those in the room. The moderator may answer the question or may ask one of the Select Board members to answer. Voters will decide if they want to vote by written ballot, show of hands or by voice.

Once the vote has been announced, the meeting will adjourn and the regularly scheduled selectmen meeting will follow.

Residents need to arrive before 6 p.m. to provide their name to the ballot clerks, obtain any voting materials and find seating. Webster Hall will be open before the meeting, and ballot clerks will be ready at 5:30 p.m.

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