Rumford Senior Citizens Vice President Judy Sanborn, left, and Treasurer Cheryl Knox display books and puzzles Tuesday that are available for members to borrow this winter. The group was selected by a town committee to receive $2,000 from the Poland Spring Community Fund. Bruce Farrin/Rumford Falls Times

RUMFORD — Rumford Senior Citizens is offering a collection of jigsaw puzzles and books for members to borrow this winter.

The group has a center at the River Valley Technical Center at 60 Lowell St. and is open from 9 a.m. to noon Mondays and Tuesdays. Anyone who needs help to get from the entrance to the center may call 364-7711 and someone will assist them with a wheelchair. Treasurer Cheryl Knox said membership dues are $20 per year.

Rumford Senior Citizens was one of five nonprofits selected by the Poland Spring Benefit Committee to receive a grant from the Poland Spring Community Benefit Fund. The fund is part of an agreement between the town and Poland Spring Water Co., which extracts water from sources in Rumford.

The mission of the fund is to accept and invest donations from Nestle Waters, the parent company of Poland Spring Water Co., and use the interest for community projects that benefit Rumford, such as but not limited to source water protection, health and welfare and recreation.

Grants of up to $50,000 are given to nonprofits.

Town Manager Stacy Carter said benefit committee members Jim Rinaldo, Mary Lapointe, John Pepin, Bev Soucy and Theresa Sax reviewed applications and interviewed applicants before selecting the recipients. They include:


• Black Mountain of Maine, $17,593, which is 50% of the cost to finish the Allagash wiring project to increase its snowmaking ability.

• Friends of the River Valley, $5,000 to continue the successful Long Run and ArtVan programs.

• Rumford Riders ATV Club, $5,000 for new signs and a new kiosk for the park and ride at the top of Falls Hill.

• Beautify Rumford, $33,000 for 20 large wooden planters throughout town and LED lighted wreaths on the downtown streets and other places. Carter said the latter will replace live wreaths.

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