GREENWOOD — There will be a new Greenwood heating assistance fund for seniors. Town Manager, Kim Sparks said at least four people have asked for this fund to be set up. Two people have already donated.

“We’re going to create this General Assistance for heating and the town office will administer it.” Selectman Norman Milliard said at the Dec. 6 selectboard meeting. “I think people know us and they’ll feel comfortable.” said Sparks, “If we’ve expended all the money, and someone still needs help, I would give them a General Assistance application.” Most of the towns that have this already are not asking for a GA application. It is being done on the honor system.”

No vote was needed by the selectmen to establish the fund. “I think that’s a really good idea,” said Milliard, “People who are in need of that assistance may be too proud to ask for that assistance.”

“It’s pretty obvious no matter what you’re heating with, costs have gone up,” said selectman Amy Chapman. Selectman Arnold Jordan, was in attendance, too.

Other business:

Selectmen reviewed and approved three expenditure items, including  $22, 140 payable to Western Maine Roofing paying for new shingles on the Town Hall roof of which $10,000 was paid for by a grant from the Belvedere Historic Preservation Fund.


They reviewed and signed a warrant for a  Special Town Meeting to be held on December 20 at 6 p.m. The one article is to see if the town will vote to appropriate up to $69,900 from the fire department building reserve fund to purchase 17 acres of land off the Greenwood Road to be used for the location of a future city fire station.

“Is the reserve balance that says, $225,000 before or after we expend the $69,900?” asked Milliard. “Before” was the response, from Sparks.

Sparks relayed a update from Lisa McLeod. “She called the office”, said Sparks, “Things in her neighborhood have settled down considerably. Several nights of restful sleep without being interrupted.” McLeod had earlier complained of barking dogs.

Sparks reappointed David Newcomb for one year to the Planning Board. “It went so well he asked for another year,” said Sparks. “Good!” said the others. Sparks will swear him in for the next meeting.  Three of four people on the planning board are from the Mt. Abram’s area, including Newcomb. They have two alternate openings, as well.

Item 9 was to discuss the award of the approved installation of three heat pumps. A grant by the Community Resilience Partnership Community Action fund and rebates from Efficiency Maine covered the entire cost. The Town Office, Fire Department at Locke’s Mills and the Highway Department will all receive new heat pumps. “I was excited to get that news,” said Sparks.

However, they wanted to see the energy audit before they would pay to insulate Town Hall. The auditors are trying to figure out how to dry out the basement. Sparks sad she had hoped for energy audit results from DCM Energy Construction Audit Services, of Portland by the end of November (this year). Usually they do two inspections, they did five, but the price will be the same, she said.


The next Greenwood selectmen’s meeting will be on December 20 at 5 p.m., followed by a Special Town Meeting at 6 p.m.

Town Office is closed on December 26 and January 2.

The next BOS meetings are on January 3 and 7.

The Planning Board meets on January 9.

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