AUBURN — Two men were charged Tuesday with causing the death of a Lewiston man during a robbery at his home in October.

Barry Zollarcoffer in a 2019 booking photo. Androscoggin County Jail photo

Barry Zollarcoffer, 47, of Lewiston was indicted by an Androscoggin County grand jury on a charge of intentional or knowing murder of Nicholas Blake, 37.

Conviction of murder in Maine carries a sentence of 25 years to life in prison.

Zollarcoffer also was charged Tuesday with burglary and two counts of robbery, with each charge punishable by up to 30 years in prison.

His alleged accomplice, Andrew Stallings, 36, of Rumford, was indicted on charges of felony murder, burglary and two counts of robbery. Each charge is punishable by up to 30 years in prison.

Zollarcoffer has been held at Androscoggin County Jail without bail since his Oct. 21 arrest at his River Street home.


An arrest warrant has been issued for Stallings, who was not in custody as of Tuesday afternoon.

Facts of the case have not been released to the public.

Police had surrounded a home at the end of River Street on the night of Oct. 19 shortly after reports of shots fired in the area.

At around 7 p.m. that night, residents near the intersection of River and Oxford streets reported hearing gunfire, witnesses said. A short time later, police began evacuating two floors at 171 Oxford St., near the end of River Street.

Police found Blake dead inside a home at 70 River St., police said.

Witnesses reported Blake had been shot.

Zollarcoffer’s arrest came after police executed a search at 12 River St.

Police had also searched a home in Rumford while seeking Zollarcoffer’s whereabouts.

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