DEAR SUN SPOTS: I would like to thank everyone who sent me beautiful cards, flowers, balloons, and gift cards for my 93rd birthday. I had telephone calls from my friends who live in state as well as out of state. Many thanks to my friends for paying for my breakfast at the Square and Daddy O’s.

I’ll never forget my birthday on Nov. 2. Workers at Daddy O’s gave me a big celebration that morning including a beautiful bouquet of roses, three balloons, a gift card, etc. My celebration lasted a week, not just one day! I love all of you and my God bless you all! — Ethel, Norway

ANSWER: Thank you for sharing this. I’m so glad for you — happy belated birthday! You’re a girl after my own heart — I celebrate my birthday for a week, too, sometimes even longer. At 93 years young, you should just keep on celebrating every day now. You deserve it!

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Where, oh where is there a podiatrist in the Lewiston-Auburn area who offers toenail care for diabetics and is taking on new patients? I used to have an excellent doctor, but he retired last summer and my toenails are verging on ghastly. — William, no town

ANSWER: Oh dear! Sun Spotters, can you help this reader out by recommending someone? We don’t want him to scare anyone with his unsightly toenails. Not to mention the fact that his tootsies are most likely quite uncomfortable. Foot care is very important for someone with diabetes.

My suggestion is to call your insurance carrier and/or primary care provider for a referral. You may have to make a few more calls to “nail” someone down who is taking on new patients, but with some help it will be better than looking for a needle in a haystack, and hopefully your health insurance company will “foot” the bill.


DEAR SUN SPOTS: There are many good people in the world. On Nov. 7 I fell to the ground on Main St. in Lewiston as I was waiting for the bus. Two good Samaritans came to me and picked me up from the ground and drove me to my residence. Thank you both for what you did for me. — No name, Lewiston

ANSWER: I’m so glad to hear those two good, trustworthy people were there for you. I do hope you weren’t seriously injured when you fell.

Like I always say, “Angels are everywhere!”

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Thank you so much for publishing the item about a carrier for my big cat (Nov. 10 Sun Spots). I especially like the idea of fastening the laundry baskets together. I shared the idea with someone else and he suggested using zip ties as an option for secure fasteners.

I was able to borrow a carrier from another cat owner who goes to the same vet. She was so nice and showed me the best way to get my kitty in the carrier. Thank you to those who offered to help me. — No name, no town

ANSWER: I’m glad it worked out for you and that you got kitty to his destination safely. I hope he got four stars at his check-up!

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