Marc Jalbert’s letter on Nov. 9 (“Honesty ‘has taken a hit’ in political advertising“) wonderfully explained the problem of voter fatigue from all the political nonsense during state and national elections. I think many people besides he and I are fed up with never-ending political ads in which facts are taken out of context, exaggerated, or turned into pure lies. The BS is huge. By Election Day I hardly care if I vote or not. This year it was a local election that made me feel the need to vote.

I think our lawmakers owe it to the public to rein in this foolishness. Regardless of party, if they don’t support campaign reforms they probably don’t amount to much in office. There are numerous ways to end the madness but laws dealing with campaign contributions would be a good place to start.

Let me add that I am less than impressed with the Maine TV stations during election times. We pay dearly through cable. DISH or the like to receive their programing.while they prostitute themselves for all that loose cash by throwing the same few ads at us every few seconds or so for several weeks.

Dwight Mills, Greenwood

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