Some of those who marched from Readfield Corner Cemetery to Gile Hall in 2021, led by the 3rd Maine Infantry Volunteers. The Readfield Community Library can be seen in the background. Submitted photo

READFIELD — An event honoring all Veterans will be held in Readfield on Friday, Nov. 11 planned by members of Readfield’s Historical Society, Select Board, United Methodist Church and the 3rd Maine Infantry Civil War re-enactors. All are welcome to join in for this special remembrance and honoring of those who have served or currently serve in the U.S. Armed Services.

Participants should gather at the Readfield Corner Cemetery, Church Road by 10 a.m. for a special remembrance of some Veterans whose memorials and graves are there. From the cemetery the 3rd Maine will lead the way to Asa Gile Hall, 8 Old Kents Hill Road, for a closing ceremony at 11 a.m. in honor of all Veterans. All are invited to march along or those who are not able to walk that far can follow in their vehicles. The 3rd Maine will do two musket volleys along the way, at the cemetery and outside Gile Hall.

Following the ceremony free bag lunches will be distributed at Gile Hall, by members of the Readfield United Methodist Church.

To begin, at Readfield Corner Cemetery, parking is available at the Old Fairgrounds parking lot or in the north end of the cemetery. Please invite and / or bring Veterans you know. FMI contact 441-9184 or

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