DEAR SUN SPOTS: The Exchange Club of Auburn is proud to again sponsor a Salute to Veterans Lunch at The Green Ladle on Wednesday, Nov. 9. All veterans are invited to attend this free lunch and brief ceremony thanking them for their service. The Honorable William Schneider, former Attorney General of Maine and a Green Beret, will be the speaker. The ceremony and lunch will begin at noon. Due to limited space, please RSVP to John Reid at 777-3579. — Per, no town
ANSWER: What a nice way to honor our veterans! The Exchange Club of Auburn is a community service group of local business people that has been active for over 75 years. More information on the club and its many activities and lunch may be found at

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I’m Scrappy Chef from the Rangeley Highlander. Since I have no family, I’m looking to volunteer at Thanksgiving dinner festivities. I’m scheduled to be in Auburn Nov. 23 through 26. Please let me know where my services can be used. I can be contacted at 670-4428. — Joanne, no town

ANSWER: Check at the Trinity Jubilee Center (782-5700), the Salvation Army (670-4428), and local churches. A call to the United Way (211) may also turn up some nonprofits that could use your cooking expertise and willingness to help.

Readers, if you’re part of an organization or church that needs extra hands to prepare or serve a Thanksgiving meal, here’s your fabulous opportunity!

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I have several jigsaw puzzles I would like to donate to a senior center or shelter. They include 300, 500, 750 and 1000 pieces. We have put them all together recently and they are starting to pile up. Please contact me at 312-5586. — Sue, no town

ANSWER: Depending on how many puzzles you have, perhaps you would like to spread the wealth by dropping your puzzles off at a few assisted living facilities and shelters. A few quick calls would do the trick for finding homes for these. What comes to mind immediately is SeniorsPlus (795-4010) and Montello Heights (786-7149) in Lewiston and Bolster Heights Residential Care (784-1364) and Schooner Estates (784-2900) in Auburn.


Perhaps Trinity Jubilee Center (782-5700) or Hope House (577-1165) in Lewiston could use the puzzles.

Readers, if you have other ideas, please write in!

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I thought you would like to include the following recipes in your cookbook. They are very easy and foolproof.

Key Lime Pie: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine the zest of one lime with two cans sweetened condensed milk (can use low-fat) , 1/2 cup sour cream and 3/4 cup lime juice. Pour filling into a graham cracker crust and bake for eight minutes then chill and garnish with whipped cream. Excellent!

Harvard Carrots: Combine 1/2 cup sugar (can use less) and 1 1/2 tablespoons cornstarch in a saucepan. Blend in 1/4 cup each vinegar and water then cook over medium heat until thick and bubbling, stirring constantly. Stir in 1/8 teaspoon pepper and 4 cups cooked, sliced carrots, heating through. Stir in 2 tablespoons butter. Delicious! — David, Poland

ANSWER: Thank you, David! I can always depend on you to be an enthusiastic contributor!

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