To the Editor:

On behalf of the Norway Country Club Ladies Golf Association, we say “Thank You” to the generous individuals and businesses in the communities of Western Maine. Recently we presented a check for over $17,500 to the Cancer Resource Center of Western Maine, the funds raised during the 9th Annual Drive Out Cancer Golf Tournament.

We thank the following tournament sponsors: Gold Sponsors David and Kathy Greenleaf, William and Marge Medd, Ann and Peter Noble, Betty Rowe; Silver Sponsors Pamela and Cushman Andrews, Sue and Doug Craib, The Goodwin Family, Jean Pugh, Judy and Ted Sutton, Stephens Memorial Hospital; Bronze Sponsors Lee Barth, Dan Drew, Nancy Farmer, Norway Savings Bank, Carol and Brian Roth, Linda Porter. Hole sponsors this year were: Biz Realty, Boomers, Bev and Ted Butler, Cassandra and Jack Buttles, Dow’s Law Office P. A., Everett Excavation, Everett Propane, Kate and Tom Gomprecht, Grassroots Graphics, Inner Space Services, Inc., Kathy & George Jillson, Joan and Robert Moorehead, Irene & Nate Morris, Debbie Noble, NCC Men’s League, Pat’s Hot Tubs and Pools, Roopers Beverage and Redemption, Searles Construction, Juanita and Doug Smith, The Stoinski Family, The Thorn Family, Town & Country Mobile Home Village, Uniquely Creative Designs, Bonnie and Doug Van Durme, The Ward Family and The Woods Maine Shop. We also thank Kathy Jillson, Ellen Nemec, Corinne Becham, Barb Leonard, and Shirley Huff for their cash donations.

We also thank the following businesses and individuals for contributing items or gift certificates to the silent auction and raffle table: Bethel Inn and Country Club, Bridgton Highlands Golf, Fox Ridge Golf Course, Lake Kezar Country Club, Norway Country Club, Poland Springs Golf Resort, Lost Valley, Maurice Restaurant, McLaughlin Gardens, Fiber and Vine, Handmade Maine, The Woods Maine Shop, The Mane Room, Fare Share Co-Op, Norway Gelato Company, LLC, Ocean State Lot, Stetson Garage, Tractor Supply Company, Aubuchon Hardware, Ricky Dee’s, Brick and Mortar Store, Oxford Mill End Store, Smedburg’s Farm, Honey Badger Bar and Grill, Boomers, Cindy Seams Massage Therapy, Dragon Fly Healer Consulting, Olde Mill Tavern, Sun Sports, Top of the Hills Grille, Cell Medic, Firefly Boutique, Tasteful Things, Little Kids, Inc., Lone Pine Brewery, Butcher Burger Bethel, Kowloon Village Chinese Restaurant, West Paris Provisions, Strawberry Fields Apothecary, Peter Toohey, Rita Perrault, Lisa Stevens, Jackie Bennett, Judy Foster, Alice Goodwin, Betty Jordan, Carol Roth, Paulette Tabb, Maureen Thorn, Danielle Wadsworth, Holly Stuhr, Audrey Foster, Laurie Mason, Kathy Jillson, Brian Chamberlain, Tom Coore, Stephanie LeBlond, Kyle Philips, Ernie Boutilier, and Lorie Cutter. Hannaford Supermarket donated water and drinks for the tournament and Tee favors were donated by Bev Butler, June Harkins, Maureen Thorn, and Lisa Stevens.

A thank you also goes to Randy Blouin, Rick Altham and Norway Country Club for running and hosting the golf tournament, Bob Handville and his crew for preparing the golf course and Kerry Stevens for the challenging contests on the practice green. Fourteen teams played in the tournament and enjoyed a delicious luncheon prepared by the staff at Norway Country Club. Afterward, prizes were handed out and winners of the silent auction and basket raffle announced. The tournament was a huge success! Thank you to all who contributed in so many ways.

With gratitude,
Suanne Craib, DOC Steering Committee

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