In this year’s race for district attorney for Androscoggin, Franklin and Oxford counties, Ed Rabasco is the right person for the job.

After spending six months as the chair of a grand jury, it became clear to me that a change of perspective and approach is desperately needed.

Our courts are clogged with more pending cases than ever. Ed reports that many of his defense clients have 10 to 20 convictions before they even come to him, matching the high recidivism rate I often saw.

Our current approaches to criminal justice are clearly not working, and that comes at a cost to everyone — including taxpayers.

Ed is a collaborative leader who knows we need to address root causes of crime in order to actually reduce crime.

It’s time for a new mindset, a new approach, and a new district attorney. It’s time for Ed Rabasco.

Dr. Benjamin Corey, Auburn

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