If you can identify where this photo was taken, contact us at bmail@sunjournal.com or call 689-2896 and leave a voicemail with your answer, your name, town, and phone number. Correct entries will be put into a drawing for a $20 gift card, courtesy of Hannaford Supermarkets. Find the Mystery Photo online at https://stage.sunjournal.com/tag/mystery-photo/
We had several dozen correct answers for last week’s Mystery Photo of the Gem Theatre in Bethel. The giant mural by artist Ryan Adams is one of Maine’s largest pieces of public art. One of the entrants wrote that it is a unique blend of geometric shapes with slightly hidden words, which describes the piece quite well. In a random drawing from all the correct entries, Charlie Newell of Locke Mills was picked as the winner of a $20 Hannaford Supermarket gift card.
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