I enthusiastically support Neil McLean as the strongest, most experienced candidate for district attorney in Androscoggin, Oxford and Franklin Counties.

This is not a position for OJT (on-the-job training). On Day 1, it requires a strong, no-nonsense prosecutor with relevant prosecutorial experience, not just a diploma from a law school.

Neil doesn’t believe in being soft on crime. And, with over 45 years law enforcement and administrative experience (two careers in two separate states), I wholeheartedly concur.

As we’ve seen in Lewiston, an “occasional” DA is not effective. We need to take back our community and let the lawless know we are no longer willing to be victims.

Our criminal justice system is for our protection, not a laboratory for social experiments. We deserve, no, demand a dedicated and effective criminal justice system to support and augment our police, who for too long have stood alone on the front lines.

Lee Clement, Lewiston

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