Two and a half years ago, after writing many letters to our elected officials, I talked to a Sen. Susan Collins staffer concerning the coming world calamity — a calamity which would be brought about by “corrupt capitalistic regimes.”

I cited a litany of reasons and actions by our and other corrupt governments which would lead to a collapse of society and the world economic structure.

At that time we were just on the doorstep of this catastrophe. Now here we are.

Our government would have people believe that nothing is wrong. Inflation is under control, the stock market is great, people’s 401(k)s are doing fine, and the economy is not in recession.

Tell that to the workers at the Pixelle Specialty Solutions paper mill in Jay, who will lose their jobs in January.

Hard times are ahead. I remember the inflation and recessions of the 1970s and 1980s. People couldn’t buy a job or gasoline for their car.


This time will be much worse. After the midterms in November and the strategic oil reserve has been depleted, fuel costs will soar back to where they were, the stock market will crash, and food will be like a luxury.

People shouldn’t be fooled by the lies coming from our present government. All is not well.

I worked in engineering for many years and saw and spoke out against our political leaders selling our jobs to foreign interests while enriching themselves. This continues with our present government.

Vote to stop it.

Lawrence Everett, South Paris

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