100 Years Ago: 1922

Donald B. MacMillan in an address in response to the welcome extended him this afternoon by the people of Wiscasset and surrounding towns made a brief reference to the work accomplished during his 14 months in the arctic regions. He plans to make another trip from here in July.

“Our trip in some ways was a disappointment,” he said, “as we were unable to negotiate Fary Hecia Straight, owing to shoal grounds and rough ice. We found that the early charts by Northwest Fox 300 years ago could not be relied upon, owing to the crude instruments with which he had to work.”

“At one time we sailed inland for 15 and for more than 60 we sailed over what had previously been charted as Bafflin Land. The most important discovery we made was that Bafflin Land is a narrow peninsula and not a great land as mapped.”

50 Years Ago: 1972

(from a Journal photo) HAPPINESS is being a winner and 4H members Connie Davidson and (left) and her sister, Debbie, both of Round Pond, are just that. They are the winners of the Lewiston State Fair Junior and Senior Sheep Showmanship contest for two years in a row, 1971 and 1972. Connie has been on top in three of four contests throughout the state and Debbie has yet to be beaten this year. The girls show North Country Cheviots and Southdown sheep.

25 Years Ago: 1997

Governor Angus King and first lady Mary Herman will host the annual Blaine House Open House on Sunday, Sept. 14. The public is invited to tour the historic Blaine House Mansion and meet with the governor and Herman from 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday.

The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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