I write in rebuttal to Rich Lowry’s column, “Rich Lowry: Merrick Garland is on a path to the abyss” (Aug. 19).

Attorney General Merrick Garland is on the road to the truth, which for the Trumpists is an abyss of a sort. The legitimacy of the Federal Bureau of Investigation truly would be in question if it lets an undeniable attempt to subvert our democracy go unchecked. I would liken the ex-president and his inane excuses, to quote his opinion of certain high profile Black women, “low I.Q.

In deference to actual members of the GOP, I will make the distinction between them and Trumpists.

I would also say to Lowry: Trump asked for a specific number of votes to be found in Georgia, and he sees nothing wrong?

Also, the new Christian Nationalist Party would make the Founding Fathers puke on the Constitution because it is the opposite of their intentions concerning Freedom of faith.

Rudolph Ziehm, Sabattus

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