The Rangeley Region Guides’ & Sportsmen’s Association held its first Kids’ Fishing Derby on July 7.

Eighty-two children participated at the association’s Kids’ Fishing Pond, located adjacent to the clubhouse on Old Skiway Road in Oquossoc, according to a news release from the association.

The children were divided into three age categories. Each group had 30 minutes to catch up to three fish. The fish were then measured and cleaned for the children to take home.

After the competition, all children were given commemorative association medals. Trophies were given for the longest fish caught in each age category.

The trophy winners:

Ages 4-6


• First place: Liam Watkin

• Second place: Brooklyn White

• Third place: Daxton Melcher

Ages 7-10

• First place: Broden LeClerc

• Second place: Jonah Williams


• Third place: Cayden Curtiss

Ages 11-15

• First place: Gabe Williams

• Second place: Taylor Crocker

• Third place: Riley Cormier

In addition, 15 children won gift certificates to River’s Edge Sport Shop, and a 7-year-old won a lifetime Maine fishing license.

Because of the great success of this event, the association will plan to make this an annual event.

Because of the business sponsors of the Mooselookmeguntic Salmon Derby held earlier this summer, the proceeds from that event made the Kid’s Fishing Derby possible. Major business sponsors include Hight Family of Dealerships, Oquossoc Marine, Mike Cerminara Landscaping, Blue Flame Gas, Saddleback Mountain, River’s Edge Sports, Rangeley Lakes Builders Supply, Morton & Furbish Real Estate, Franklin Savings Bank, Koobs Garage, Lake Region Power Systems, Rangeley IGA, and Oquossoc Grocery. Other business contributors include Town & Lake Motel, Beauty Boutique, Noyes Real Estate, Allied Real Estate, Rangeley Family Dentistry, Rangeley Lake Heritage Trust, and Boss Power Sports/Looney Bin.


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