Do you know guinea pigs make great little pets? Spend a little time watching them and you’ll feel your stress level go down. And their care is quite easy! Responsible Pet Care has about 20 guinea pigs right now, including this cutie pie named Rosie. Guinea pigs are very social animals, so we only adopt same-sex, pre-arranged pairs.
Guinea pigs have an average life span of 5-7 years, with many living longer. They each have their own little personalities. Rosie came to the shelter with her friend Petunia and they must be adopted together. The girls are friendly with people and best buddies with each other.
What are a guinea pig’s top 5 favorite things?
1. Hay – they love to eat, sleep, play and burrow in it.
2. Napping – They sleep about 6 hours a day, broken up into short naps.
3. “Popcorning” – when built-up energy and excitement comes out in a spastic hop, jump and twist in mid-air.
4. Their cage – They love a home with enough space to move around and a variety of places to hide, nap, and just feel at home.
5. Their people! Yes, they are affectionate and loving pets!
Check out our website at www.responsiblepetcare.org for more of our guinea pig pairs, or call the shelter to set up a time to see them in person. The adoption fee per pair is $45, and does require an approved application (it’s very easy to fill out).
Responsible Pet Care of Oxford Hills is a no-kill, non-profit shelter and adoption center for cats and dogs, and the holding area for stray dogs for 12 towns in Oxford County. The shelter is located at 9 Swallow Road in South Paris, and is open Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from noon to 4 p.m. Appointments are encouraged.
Responsible Pet Care operates a thrift shop called Pawsibilities. It is located at 132 Waterford Road in Norway and is open Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. All the money raised at Pawsibilities supports RPC. For answers to questions about adopting or fostering a pet, or to make an inquiry about a lost animal, call RPC after noon at 743-8679.
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