Curt Melcher is interim Livermore Falls Fire Rescue Chief.

LIVERMORE FALLS — Selectmen opted Tuesday night to hold a special election Nov. 8 to fill a vacant seat on the board.

The board accepted the resignation of Selectman Nixon Ortiz during open session prior to the executive session. He resigned  July 1 after being elected June 14 to a two-year term.

Selectmen also accepted the resignation of interim Fire Rescue Chief Mike Booker, who resigned June 30 but stayed on for a short time before resigning again.

The board voted to appoint Curt Melcher of Livermore Falls as interim fire rescue chief. He has 22 years of fire service between Livermore Falls and Jay fire rescue departments. Melcher was recently promoted to captain of the Livermore Falls department.

In other business, selectmen voted to accept 2.5% wage increases for unionized and nonunion employees. Union contracts were approved last year.

Selectman Will Kenniston was appointed to serve on the Fire Substation Committee and Selectman Ernie Souther to serve on the joint Sewer Committee.

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