I wanted to draw important notice regarding the increased number of “panhandlers” working the busy intersections of Auburn.
I am amazed and grateful that no one has been hit dodging the busy traffic islands/intersections begging for pocket change. Two areas in particular: the intersection of Turner and Union streets and the Center Street cloverleaf intersection of the Auburn Mall.
The Auburn Mall cloverleaf intersection always makes me cringe the way the panhandlers seem to gain superhuman powers, enabling them to zoom between car lanes waving their small and illegible cardboard signs that results in distracting the drivers. I almost witnessed an accident when a panhandler, without warning, ran off the traffic island directly in front of a car just to get a dollar a driver was flashing from the opposite lane.
The more humorous intersection is Turner and Union streets, where panhandlers form an orderly system of shift-begging. When one panhandler is working the traffic island of Union Street, their co-workers are sitting on the side of the street (on someone’s lawn) waiting for their shift, playing with their phones. I wonder if they also split the proceeds at the end of the day?
Curiously, I never see the police on the scene rounding up these “independent contractors” or posting warning signs. It’s sad to think it will take a deadly accident, news coverage, police investigations and finger pointing in order to get something accomplished.
David Oshansky, Auburn
Editor’s note: According to Article X of Auburn’s code of ordinances, related to itinerant vendors and peddlers, Section 14-316 reads: It shall be unlawful for any person to solicit on any public street or sidewalk, park or other public place or at any doorway or entranceway, within the corporate limits of the city.
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