Edward Little third baseman Gavin Levesque awaits the throw as Bangor baserunner Colton Trisch steals third base during the Class A North baseball final Tuesday at Morton Field in Augusta Rich Abrahamson/Morning Sentinel

AUGUSTA — It was no surprise Bangor’s one-run lead lasted for five innings with a raging pitchers’ duel going on the mound.

The Rams held on to that lead for dear life thanks to winning pitcher Colton Trisch’s strong pitching, which led top-ranked Bangor to a 1-0 victory over the tenacious seven-ranked Red Eddies in the Class A North final at Morton Field on Tuesday.

“It was one of those things that they had a great pitcher on the mound,” Edward Little coach Dave Jordan said. “I love our approach. We battled them. I thought we were so close to having a ball fall in. They made some great plays behind (Trisch) — you know, stopped us from scoring a few runs — and Drew (Smith) is a bulldog.”

Smith was unwavering for Edward Little’s (11-8), pitching the entire seven innings against the Rams (15-1).

“For a kid at 16 (years old) to go out there against a perennial contender like (Bangor) and battle his heart like that, and how we backed him up in the field, too,” Jordan said. “I am proud of my boys.

“I think we played well and they played a little bit better. You know, they are a great team. I think we gave them all that they could handle. If you don’t win, that’s all you can ask for.”


Smith, a sophomore, stood his ground and gave up only two gifts and struck out seven batters.

Edward Little pitcher Drew Smith throws to a Bangor hitter during the Class A North baseball final Tuesday at Morton Field in Augusta. Bangor baserunner Colton Trisch, back, takes his lead off first base. Rich Abrahamson/Morning Sentinel

“I thought his composure was great,” Bangor coach David Morris said. “For a while, I thought we might have had him on the ropes, but (Smith) composed himself and threw his fast ball for a strike, and then, about the fourth inning, he came up with that curve ball and made us swing a little bit. … But at the same time, I think his defense played well behind him as well. Great pitching performances by both pitchers.

“It really comes back to (what) we’ve been talking about all season long that pitching and defense are going to win championships.”

Trisch, who on Tuesday was named a finalist for the Winkin Award given to the top senior player in the state, pitched six innings, struck out eight batters and gave up one hit. Smith hammered out the Red Eddies’ hit in the seventh inning.

“With me on the mound and my defense behind me, it is really hard to score off us,” Trisch said. “I mean, one run is usually enough for us.”

The Rams got their first and only run in the second when Luke Missbrenner walked and used two passed balls to position himself at third base with no outs. Outfielder Max Clark then belted a solid single, sending Missbrenner home for the eventual game-winning run.


Missbrenner, a senior first baseman, had a lot of confidence in Trisch’ pitching and was equally impressed with Clark’s hitting.

“Colton Trisch has been pitching great for us all season,” Missbrenner said. “As long we play just good defense, errorless baseball, I believed (the lead) could (hold). Max has been picking up people on the bases all season long. He’s had some big RBIs all season long.”

“When I got the hit, I was really expecting that to be game-winning RBI,” Clark said. “I needed to hit the ball and get him in. It was kind of a fluky hit.”

The Rams will next face Thornton Academy (19-1) for Class A state championship at Morton Field on Saturday at 2 p.m.

The Red Eddies had two chances to score in the fourth and sixth inning with Kamden Masselli holding up at third base both times. But Trisch held the line each time and twice left Masselli stranded.

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