MECHANIC FALLS — Police broke up a large fight on Callahan Circle late Wednesday night and discovered a man had been stabbed during the fray.

Early reports said the man, who had not been identified, was stabbed at least once in the abdomen during the fight outside a home at 14 Callahan Circle, a looped road that runs off Elm Street.

Rescuers were performing CPR on the victim before he was taken to Central Maine Medical Center in Lewiston. His condition was not available early Thursday.

A witness said the fight started between two neighbors, a man and a woman, and initially involved yelling and profanity being shouted back and forth. Police were called to the home and separated the combatants, After the officers had left the area, fighting resumed between and ultimately grew to involve more people.

When another neighbor intervened on the spat, two men started brawling, the witness said, ultimately rolling around on the ground while throwing punches at one another.

When the two men got to their feet moments later, the witness said, one man, shirtless had blood running down his side. Another neighbor called for police and rescue crews, which arrived shortly after.

Police from Mechanic Falls were assisted by deputies from the Androscoggin County Sheriff’s Office and other departments.

At about 10:30 p.m., police arrested one man at the scene, although it was not clear if that man had been directly involved in the stabbing.

The incident was being investigated late Wednesday.

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