Featuring moderator Judith Meyer, Executive Editor for the Sun Journal, KennebecJournal, and Morning Sentinel, alongside David Chittim of the Androscoggin Historical Society, and Steve Collins, State House Reporter for the Sun Journal.
The Sun Journal, which has published under a number of different names since its first edition hit the streets on May 21, 1847, is celebrating its 175th anniversary. Every single significant event that has ever happened in the lives of Mainers has been reported by generations of local journalists who brought news of the world to local homes long before radio. They have remained steadfast to shine a light on our shared lives, our struggles, our successes, and our personal stories, helping shape our communities. Steve Collins and David Chittim will look at some of the more notable events in Androscoggin County and the journalism that brought those events to light. Take a walk back through time and reflect on our history,our lives, and our community.
Admission is free to all Forum events. For more information, please contact theLewiston Public Library at 513-3135 or LPLReference@lewistonmaine.gov.The Great Falls Forum speaker series is co-sponsored by Bates College, Lewiston PublicLibrary, and the Sun Journal.

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