Livermore Fire Chief Donald Castonguay addresses residents at Tuesday’s town meeting when they approved purchasing a new firetruck. Diagrams of it are displayed on a large board. Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser

LIVERMORE — About two dozen voters Tuesday approved buying a firetruck and financing up to $382,373 for it.

Fire Chief Donald Castonguay said buying it before May 1 would save about $70,000 because the price will increase 10% after that.

The Pierce custom cab truck has space for all rescue equipment and would fit in the station, he said.

In January, Castonguay told selectpersons that ongoing issues with Engine I had stepped up plans to purchase a new truck.

“If we pay it all when we order, they’ll take off $18,000 and some change,” he told selectpersons March 29. “They are going to allow us $20,000 for (Engine 1).”

Voters approved $100,000 at town meeting last year, the second installment of a three-year plan to buy a new truck. Voters are to consider the final installment at the April 26 town meeting.


“Livermore Fire Service has changed since it formed 75 years ago this year,” Castonguay noted. The department was called out more than 160 times last year, is now called for many different situations primarily due to the high volume of traffic on Route 4, he said.

The Pierce truck should last 30 years or better and can be serviced in Auburn, the chief said.

During the regular board meeting after the special meeting, selectpersons approved a four-year lease/purchase agreement with Androscoggin Bank. Installments of $101,111 are due annually on July 7.

At the end of the agreement the town can buy the truck for $1.

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