As a lifelong resident of Auburn, development worries me. I decided to attend meetings.

At the February Planning Board meeting the city presented, the board asked questions, the public spoke, the mayor-appointed board voted unanimously to rezone Gracelawn Road from Agriculture and Resource Protection to Commercial Development, plus move the watershed boundary.

At the Feb. 16 watershed septic owners meeting the city presented and citizens questioned future septic concerns. The highlight for me was receiving a four-page copy of the $100,000 study done by FB Environmental Associates in October 2021. It states: “The City of Auburn should not seek to ease the current resource protection zoning or consider rezoning portions of the watershed for increased density. Increased density and new opportunities for residential development are better suited to other areas of Auburn outside the Lake Auburn Watershed.”

At the March 7 City Council meeting, the city presented, councilors asked questions, the public spoke, councilors voted approval.

I did not attend the March 16 Auburn Water District meeting, but the Sun Journal reported that the mayor-appointed board voted approval.

At the March 22 City Council meeting many citizens spoke, a former councilor suggested a referendum, a current councilor suggested postponement. Ultimately, councilors voted approval.

I learned “development” is more important than the work of former boards, councilors and mayors who established the watershed to protect Lake Auburn, our drinking water.

Mary Ann Norcross, Auburn

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