My sincere congratulations and thanks to Edward Little football coach Dave Sterling for his exceptional devotion, and on a job well done.

With players that he coached wishing him well and talking about the impact he had on their lives and what they learned about the game of life as well as the game of football, no one can ask for anything more of a coach.

Life is much more than wins and losses. As a Lewiston High School alumnus who has been a faithful fan of EL sports teams ever since my three children played at EL (and are now successful adults), I especially appreciate and commend all coaches who teach with a positive attitude and approach instead of a negative coaching style that later takes years of psychotherapy to reverse damages that it has on young athletes’ early years of psychological development.

My advice to Coach Sterling is to not give up his coaching career, and simply find another school that will appreciate all that he brings to the job of coaching more than the record he or she compiles.

At the high school level, win-and-loss records often depend much more on the number of unusually gifted athletes (and it only takes a couple of them) that happen to be on a team at any given time rather than who the coach might be.

Louis Talarico II, New Gloucester

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