It was reported recently that Jean-Claude Hollerich, a preeminent German bishop and cardinal, stated publicly that Catholic teaching on homosexuality is “no longer correct” and that “a fundamental revision of the doctrine” is imperative.

Unsurprisingly, he buttressed his judgment by emphasizing that Pope Francis himself favors far-reaching doctrinal change generally.

The pope’s barely-there pro forma defense of the traditional teaching aside — i.e., homosexual acts are intrinsically immoral — let’s look at two things that reveal his true convictions.

The pope has expressed public support for a Catholic organization called New Ways Ministry, which teaches that homosexuality is “a blessing from God” and that same-sex relationships “may be a good thing.” On the other hand, he’s lent no public support for Courage International, a group made up of Catholic homosexuals intent on adhering to traditional church teaching.

“A blessing from God”?  Those words remind me of an encounter between the pope and a gay clerical sexual abuse victim in 2019 who reported that the pope told him, “God made you how you are and loves you like that … You must be happy as you are.”

Well, if he’s made and loved that way, it follows he should live it out — no?

Not that I support the traditional teaching or the burgeoning movement to nullify it. Being an ex-Catholic gay atheist, I’m writing this to point up the fact that the Catholic Church is not the unchanging church it’s always boasted of being. It’s not divinely, but humanly, instituted, in my view.

William LaRochelle, Lewiston

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