Artists and performers from eight states will visit Acadia National Park in 2022 as part of the park’s artists-in-residence program.

Participants were selected from 137 applicants across three categories: visual art, writing and at-large. For the first time, Acadia will welcome a jazz composer, a standup comic, a food writer and an art therapist.

Each person selected will stay in park-provided housing for 14 days – either all at once or spread out over multiple weeks. They also will participate in one public outreach activity, the dates of which have not been set, and will donate a finished piece of art that will be on display at the park in 2023, the 30th anniversary of Acadia’s artist residency.

The program at Acadia – Maine’s only national park, in coastal Hancock County – is one of more than 50 artists residencies across the country sponsored by the National Park Service.

The invited participants for 2022 are: Lishan AZ, a multi-disciplinary artist from Chicago; Casey Barber, a food writer from New Jersey; Kelly Collette, a standup comic from Cincinnati, Ohio; Lisa Furman, an artist and art therapist from New Haven, Connecticut; Allison Hutchcraft, a poet from North Carolina; Ben Matthews, a fine artist from Pittsburgh; Kristin Myers, a fine artist from Savannah, Georgia; and Jack Wilkins, a jazz composer from Tampa, Florida.

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