Stephanie Reed, Rumford’s Citizen of the Year for 2021, is presented with a town clock Thursday by Rumford Select Board Chairman Chris Brennick. Bruce Farrin/Rumford Falls Times

RUMFORD — Stephanie Reed has been named the 2021 Town of Rumford Citizen of the Year for her public beautification efforts.

Plants and decorative lights on Congress Street, “things that make us a more beautiful community, that is Stephanie Reed,” Chris Brennick, chairman of the Board of Selectmen said at Thursday night’s recognition ceremony during the board meeting.

Reed and her husband, Fire Chief Chris Reed, moved here four years ago and she quickly became involved with EnvisionRumford and from there, Beautify Rumford was formed. The community organizations partner to make the town and the River Valley area a better and more beautiful place.

The honoree was presented with a clock on behalf of the town.

A Legislative Sentiment from Sen. Lisa Keim, R-Dixfield, on behalf of the 130th Legislature and the people of Maine, said, “It seems like Stephanie has been part of our community longer than the actual four years,” Keim wrote. “Since taking up residence in Rumford, she was eagerly looking for ways to be engaged and to help.”

She said Reed has become part of the Rumford community through her countless efforts from Beautify Rumford, to Pumpkin Fest, a Christmas parade, and more.

“Stephanie has unhesitatingly put her thoughts and her energies into revitalizing and rebuilding our community … our whole community has been enriched through her consistent and selfless acts of service,” Keim said.

Reed said she wouldn’t have been able to follow through on these ideas without the support of the town, citizen volunteers and local businesses.

She was nominated for the award by Richard and Jolene Lovejoy of Rumford.

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