The Poland Select Board asked the town manager Tuesday to determine whether $50,000 in emergency COVID-19 funds could be immediately be disbursed as premium pay or bonuses for municipal employees.

Town Manager Matt Garside had said the town is slated to receive $596,000 from the American Rescue Plan Act over the next two years, in two installments of $268,000. The board would like to some of the funds to go directly to those employees who worked during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The town received the first check payment and spent $50,000 on paving Hackett Mills Road.

Since the Select Board can authorize expenditures up to $50,000 without requiring town meeting approval, Garside said he will check to see if another $50,000 can be used from the same ARPA fund for the premium pay.

The board also supported using funds to purchase a power lift stretcher, with an estimated cost of $60,000.

Select Board Chair Stephen Robinson said the town does not need to allocate all the ARPA funds now. The town has until 2024 to do that and the money has to be expended by 2026.


Other expenditures Garside submitted for possible consideration were further road work and a new air filter ventilation system for town offices.

Fire Rescue Chief Thomas Printup told the Select Board that increased overtime expenses are due primarily to staff shortage in both the full-time and per diem firefighter forces.

Printup said hiring two additional full-time firefighters would alleviate the substantial overtime costs, strengthen the manpower of the Fire Rescue Department and provide the necessary coverage for the town.

The Select Board has included hiring the additional firefighters in next year’s town budget.

“Health and safety is not negotiable,” Robinson said in support of adding the personnel.

In other business, Garside told the board that added security measures may be necessary at the town’s transfer site.


Garside said persons broke into the Poland and Mechanic Falls transfer station offices on the same night. Outside of some personal effects missing, no serious damage was done to the premises.

The Select Board approved spending the remaining $30,349 from the Rec TIF fund for maintenance and improvements to the hiking trails, as submitted by the Trail Committee in conjunction with the Poland Conservation Commission.

Corcoran Environmental Services of Scarborough was awarded the contract to haul solid waste disposal at $120/trip to Maine Waste to Energy in Auburn and recycling at $125/trip to Casella in Lewiston. Corcoran outbid Almighty Waste which submitted pricing of $139/trip to MWTE and $149/trip to Casella.

The Select Board also heard a presentation by ReVision Solar Power for Poland to change to solar power as its primary electrical source at its municipal facilities.

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