Supplies: head pins, small pliers, beads, angel wing beads, earring wires and safety backs.

Time to make: 20 to 30 minutes.

Take a head pin and select a bead that has a body shape to slide on the pin. Add angel wing bead. Add small bead for head and then one for halo. Cut head pin to about 1/2 inch. Using round nose or needle-nosed pliers, grab the wire and bend in one direction, then loop it back in the other direction. Find a YouTube video on looping head pins. Once you get it, it is easy. Open loop at bottom of earring wire by bending it slightly in one direction just enough to loop on the earring.  You have an earring! As I worked on this, it occurred to me that these would be great ornaments for mini trees, just substitute ornament hooks for the earring wires.


Supplies: Previously loved cups and saucers, silicone waterproof glue, cord or leather lacing.

Time to make: 20 minutes to set them up, then at least 12 hours to set.

Line up cup on saucer and mark point to glue. Determine what you need to stabilize the cup in the correct position while curing, such as chopsticks on either side, a string, etc. Glue the cup to the saucer. Cure at least overnight. Add cord or leather lacing and a sandwich bag of bird seed.

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