Sharon Larose, left, and Eden Gagne, both of Auburn, wait for Kohl’s in Auburn to open on Black Friday in 2020. “We got here at 4 a.m. because we couldn’t sleep,” Larose said. “We were so excited.” Toys for Larose’s four children and Gagne’s child were on the shopping list. Daryn Slover/Sun Journal

Turns out local Black Friday shoppers can sleep in, just a little.

Auburn’s Walmart, JCPenney and Kohl’s are sticking with the 5 a.m. Black Friday opening hours all three adopted last year, according to store staff.

For GameStop, it’s 7 a.m.

But do bundle up: The National Weather Service is forecasting 31 degree temps at 5 a.m. Friday with a 20% chance of precipitation, according to meteorologist Donny Dumont.

And, ho ho ho: It might be a rainy/snowy mix by that evening.

Quick hits about business comings, goings and happenings. Have a Buzzable tip? Contact staff writer Kathryn Skelton at 689-2844 or

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