New planner

GREENWOOD — Matt Mitchell was sworn in as a new planning board member at the Nov. 9 Greenwood Board of Selectman meeting where he shared his background. He is retired, and has built his family’s “kind of forever home” as he describes his home in Greenwood.

His background is on the construction side of things. Before Maine, he was Maryland working as an architect and then for a private all girl schools. His job was to be in charge of their larger capital projects which involved construction. He managed the bigger projects which would include everything from developing the program with the school to engaging with contractors and the architects throughout the projects.

He said bashfully he knew his way on a construction site and he knew about permitting processes. Town Manager Kim Sparks then swore him into the planning board as a new member for a three-year term.

NEWRY — Heather Vail from the committee of the North Newry Church spoke on behalf of the church at the Newry Selectman meeting on Nov. 9, asking what should be done with the church given its condition.

As the Town of Newry owns North Newry Church, the decision rest in its hands. Newry pays the electrical bill each month. The church is rotting out in the middle because of water damage. There is debris underneath it. It also needs a new electrical service.


Vail asked if, “it is really just going to be a venue where people pay seventy-five bucks and get married? Or is there something the town can do with it?”

The board responded it didn’t mind spending money on it if the town can do something with it. They decided to put the church before the voters and see what they want to see from a church. The selectboard decided to post on the Newry Facebook for anyone to with any ideas to come to the committee.

West Paris

WEST PARIS — On Nov. 10, the board of selectman of West Paris discussed having an age policy on driving town-owned vehicles. Selectwoman Jennifer Billings asked that Town Manager Joy Downing contact the Oxford County Regional Communications Center with regard to background checks on employees both statewide and federally.

The Selectman all asked Downing to write up a policy to include not only age but the driving experience and training. They asked to review it at the next meeting.

In other news, the selectmen decided every employee of of the Town West Paris must receive their work paycheck through direct deposit.

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