To the Editor:

To Maine Voters: As a member of the Grassroots Group, “Say NO To NECEC,” that opposes the CMP Corridor, I am writing to thank Maine Voters, near and far, for voting YES on question 1 in our recent election. Many thanks to your overwhelming support by voting YES we were successful with a resounding WIN!

The conflict continues as CMP proceeds with daily destructive work in our Northwestern Maine forestland. An on-line Maine DEP Hearing is scheduled for 9 a.m on 11/22/2021. Hopefully, legalities and environmental moral standards will prevail and the CMP Corridor will be stopped in its tracks, once and for all!

An important ending note, Folks, at the recent International Climate Summit in Scotland,World Leaders, (U.S. included), Pledged to, “PROTECT,” ….FORESTS! Now our Maine DEP and Gov. Mills need to step up and PROTECT our Maine forestland, wildlife and wildlife habitat, streams and lakes!  If you would like to e-mail Maine DEP Commissioner Loyzin, the link:

Again, heartfelt Thanks to you all for your support and YES on 1 Vote!

Wendy A. Huish

(Say NO To NECEC Member)


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