I supported Congressman Jared Golden during his primary election, his first general election and his election in 2020. I will continue to support him in 2022.

He still has my support because he fights for the things that I care about, like the Pro Act which would modernize our country’s labor laws and allow for more workers to organize and fight for fair wages and benefits.

He is taking a thoughtful approach to the Build Back Better plan being negotiated in the House. He supports targeting programs to those who need it, not everyone, which includes the wealthy.

He also is protecting the working class from unfair tax increases, like the proposed increase to the tobacco excise tax which would have been paid for almost totally (98%) by people who make $400,000 or less. I appreciate that he is not supporting that increase and holding the administration to its promise not to increase taxes on people making $400,000 or less.

Most of the policies in the Build Back Better plan are noble, and I support them. I trust Congressman Golden to weigh the benefits and costs of these programs and advocate for what’s best for his constituents.

Jimmy McHugh, Mexico

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