Columnist Leonard Pitts Jr. outlines the “difficult ramifications” we who depend upon services and healthcare will face when workers quit instead of vaccinate (“Goodbye, and good riddance,” Sept. 26).

He adds, “But on the plus side, your quitting goes a long way toward purging us of the gullible, the conspiracy-addled, the logic-impaired and the stubbornly ignorant. And that’s not nothing.”

Are we upset and feeling vulnerable because people are quitting? Worry not. Rational, intelligent people may take those positions anti-vaxxers vacate.

I’m with Pitts. “Goodbye, and good riddance” to idiocy that has invaded our democracy since Trump refused to concede.

Fact: Joe Biden won by a greater margin than did Donald Trump in 2016.

And, Hillary Clinton, showing statesmanship, graciously conceded. She didn’t drag the country and her followers into a contentious and conspiracy-laden year-long fight to rant “sour grapes.”


Though she had more to stand on than sore loser Trump, she played the game professionally. When “the ref called it,” she did not throw a tantrum worthy of penalties. He did, and is.

Decency, decorum, respect for the Constitution and the rule of law is what’s lacking in the anti-vaxxers’ politics. Instead of burdening the rest of us with their unfounded nonsense, not to mention their germs, they need to just leave. Quit. Go away from that job that now requires them to be vaccinated. It is their choice.

It may be difficult at first. We will get through it. And be better off without them. “Don’t let the door…,” and all that.

Anne Glazier, Rumford

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